Katarina » DIAMOND
Celebrating the Birthstone Month of Diamonds - April
April is special- when I can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom and also take a few days off in the name of Spring break.As a Jewelry lover, the month of April is even mpre special due to its connection with Diamond. April is the month of Diamond. As many of you would agree, Diamond is an icon of style. As part of celebrating the month of April- The diamond month, we have compiled a list of designs, which can make... -
Other Katarina League of Legends - By Katarina.com
Some History: ( Or rather HerStory- as this is her story) More than a decade ago, when Katarina Jewelry was incorporated, we had done extensive research and finally decided on the name Katarina and the original website was hosted under the name Katarina Jewelry.com. In those days, our primary channel for sales was through Amazon.com market place. And almost 9 years ago, we got our Katarina.com domain and seriously pursued our goal to conquer the online jewelry world. But then came the great... -
Katarina.com - The Original Legend - [An Appeal to Gamers]
At Katarina, we believe in constant connection with our readers and consumers. People search on Google and Bing search engines for the term "Katarina" with various intentions; if you are a gamer, you would probably know about a game called Katarina - League of Legends. So while searching for the term Katarina, more than likely, you intend to find a link related to this game. A few years ago, when people search for the term Katarina, they were always greeted by the links from our Jewelry...